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IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 23, 3800808 (2017)
“Dependence of intense THz generation on gap size from ZnSe interdigitated large aperture photoconductive antennas”
X. Ropagnol, S. M. Raeis-Zadeh, S. Safavi-Naeini, M. Bouvier, C.Y. Côté, M. Reid, M. A. Gauthier,T. Ozaki
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), JTh2A.64 (2016)
“Generation of Elliptically Polarized Half-Cycle Terahertz Pulses Generated by 6H-SiC Large Aperture Photoconductive Antenna”
X. Ropagnol, M. Bouvier, C.Y. Côté, M. Reid, M. A. Gauthier,T. Ozaki
2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SM2H.4 (2015)
“Intense THz Pulses with large ponderomotive potential generated from large aperture photoconductive antennas”
X. Ropagnol,M. Khorasaninejad, M. Raeiszadeh, S. Safavi-Naeini, M. Bouvier, C.Y. Côté, A. Laramée, M. Reid, M. A. Gauthier, T. Ozaki
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 043107 (2014)
“Improvement in thermal barriers to intense terahertz generation from photoconductive antennas”
X. Ropagnol, Marcel Bouvier, M. Reid, and T. Ozaki
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 043107 (2014)
“Wavelength Scaling of Terahertz Generation by Gas Ionization”
M. Clerici, M. Peccianti, B.E. Schmidt, L. Caspani, M. Shalaby, M. Giguère, A. Lotti, A. Couairon, F. Légaré, T. Ozaki, D. Faccio, and R. Morandotti
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“Counterpropagating frequency mixing with terahertz waves in diamond”
M. Clerici, L. Caspani, E. Rubino, M. Peccianti, M. Cassataro, A. Busacca, T. Ozaki, D. Faccio, and R. Morandotti
Optics Letters, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 178-180 (2013)
“Picosecond X-Ray Studies of Coherent Folded Acoustic Phonons in a Multiple Quantum Well”
P. Sondhauss, J. Larsson, M. Harbst, G. A. Naylor, A. Plech, K. Scheidt, O. Synnergren, M. Wulff, J. S. Wark
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J. Blacksberg, G. Rossman, and A. Gleckler
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